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This Application Form below must be completed & returned with full payment.

Click here for pageant information and waiver. 

Waiver may be turned in at practice or before the start of the pageant. 

-The information entered below will be your contestant's information read aloud while he/she walks on stage.

Type it exactly how someone would read it. Example: She loves to watch college football with her brothers and visit the pumpkin patch in the fall. 

-Make checks payable to Middleton Farms.

-Receive one free admission band for each additional sibling's pageant entry.


Age* ( and birthdate)

Parent/Parents' (Guardian) Name;* (Type it exactly how you want it announced on stage.)

School he/she attends:* (grade-if applicable)

Hobbies/Extra Curricular Activities;

What is your favorite fall activity, fall snack/treat, fall tradition(s)?

Parent/Guardian Phone:*

Email Address*

Please visit to pay for your pageant entry AFTER this form is submitted. 

Checkout our "Barn Parties" for birthdays, groups and special events.

At Middleton Farms you can party 'til the cows come home 

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